Charter of the South African Wine Society

Picture of Women Serving Wine

Society Objectives

  • Provide a forum where South African wine producers and distributors can present their products to a group of wine enthusiasts.
  • Facilitate opportunities to experience wines that members might not necessarily purchase on the own as well as to learn about all aspects of the wine experience.
  • Offer access to South African winemakers / principals through tastings / dinners.
  • Showcase South African wines against similar wines from other countries.
  • Provide an opportunity to meet new people in a relaxed environment.
  • Cooperate with other wine clubs in hosting joint events.
  • Offer occasional wine tours to South Africa.


Society Operations

  • The South African Wine Society operates as a not for profit, member owned club, and is managed by a committee of volunteers.
  • The club operates on an April 1 through March 31 financial year.
  • A wine cellar is maintained to facilitate tasting events and dinners, and to support procurement opportunities.
  • Any excess revenues are used for club activities and to fund the club wine cellar.
  • All financial information is open to the membership.
  • Email, phone and our website will be the preferred forms of communications with the executive committee.


Executive Committee:

  • Only members may serve as executive committee members.
  • The executive committee reserves the right to restrict membership and to terminate membership for cause.
  • Executive committee members pay membership fees and any other charges as do ordinary members.


  • The club will hold tastings and dinner events throughout the year.
  • Special events may be organized from time to time, depending on member interest and level of participation. Low event registration may mandate event cancellation.
  • Non-drinkers will be accommodated and will be refunded the wine portion of the event charge.
  • Signed Waiver, Release, and Indemnity statements will be required for participation in SAWS events.



  • In the event that the society should cease to operate, any club funds after all expenses are paid and remaining assets, including the wine cellar will be distributed to the then current members.



By attending a SAWS Event, you agree to the following Waiver, Release, and Indemnity. The South African Wine Society will take pictures at events and post some on our web site, or use them in other society promotional material. I consent to such use for my guests and myself.

Participation in any South African Wine Society (SAWS) event acknowledges that I, for myself, my heirs or assigns, and my guests for whom I accept complete responsibility, hereby release and forever discharge and indemnify The South African Wine Society, its executive, all members and their guests, from any and all damages, claims and actions relating to SAWS activities, at society functions or on society venue grounds. I also certify that I, and any guests that I bring to events, are 19 years of age or older.This waiver applies to all guests who I may bring and for whom I accept complete responsibility. We/I have read and understand and agree to this waiver. I am aware that SAWS does not carry any liability insurance.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

South African Grapes

Q: Why the caution regarding use of scents?
A: Aroma is a vital component of wine appreciation and taste. Scented products such as perfumes, colognes, after shaves and hand lotions significantly interfere and distract from the various attributes of the wine’s “nose”. As a courtesy to other members, it is standard practice to avoid the use of “any” scented product at tastings and dinners.

Q: Why do I need to sign a Waiver form?
A: The South Wine Society assumes that members will drink and act responsibly at club events. It is not protected by specific liability insurance at this time. The signed waiver forms provide a degree of liability protection for the Executive Committee and the general membership in the unlikely event of a legal issue.

Q: What's your wine cellar?
A: The South African Wine Society maintains a wine cellar that allows us to assemble our tasting events and to match particular wines with selected dinner offerings. The main objective of a wine collection and cellar is to have the opportunity to select a wine appropriate to the occasion or the meal being served.

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